Böttinger House
In addition to Lange Straße, we find also in Judenstraße a multitude of houses with baroque facades. The most sumptuous of these buildings is the so-called Böttingerhaus. The name of the building comes from the Prince Bishop official Ignaz Tobias Böttinger, who built the house between 1707 and 1713. He was assisted by Bamberg Prince Bishop Lothar Franz von Schönborn, who for example took over the costs of building materials. Böttinger's new-rich exhibtion of his social position did not seem to suit all Bambergers. In particular his neighbors, the counts of Stauffenberg, clearly rejected his new appearance - possibly because his new building outshone their noble-looking aristocratic palace. Weiterlesen »
- Judenstraße 14, 96049 Bamberg